Stop Complaining !

Princy Lalawat
2 min readJan 27, 2017
Nobody would accompany you at the right moment

“I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”

Why do we complain?
Why do we always see ourselves worthy of nothing ?
Why we often fall for “ Is God partial” ?

The simple answer lies within us. We often over shadow our soul sayings and get stucked between the brain and mind. These two rivals won’t help us much but land us in a situation more worse. Mind is nothing but a huge ocean of lust, which has forced us to live a life, we would never live peacefully.

Complaining is nothing but a great art to loosen our self esteem and fall down to depths we could never rise from. And not just this, it can lead to jealousy as well. Also this could be a very big ground for letting ourselves know what we’re not capable of.

I complain of no good food and variety at the evening breakfast, until i came to know that people go to bed hungry. We have lost our minds half way. We complain of things which aren’t upto the mark and demand them to be exactly what we want. We expect more and more. And that’s the sole reason of our dissatisfaction. Complaining is nothing but an ocean of things we desire uselessly. Otherwise think, why do we complain when we have all our requirements fulfilled? Why do we want more? And whatever we demand more, are we working in the right manner for it? Whenever such questions are asked to the one complaining, he would end up saying Okay, my fault. I shouldn’t even tell my opinions. Nobody values me etc etc.

But just sit down a second and think, whatever you complain for, Be it a new smartphone, or bike or anything else. Is it worth the need? Is it so precious that we waste time for complaining rather than working hard to achieve it. When people had no vehicles, they travelled, they walked and this brought two good things, 1.) less pollution & 2.) healthy life. When branded clothes weren’t there, a normal khadi kurta made the day. But the increasing demands have lead to unexpected things. Complaining about what we don’t have, won’t give us that thing. Instead we should work hard and make ourselves capable for having that tag. Be thankful to things, we carry; people exists without these also. Life must go on with the thought:

Whatever we have is sufficient for today, until everybody around us gets a part of it.

Never be satisfied but always be content and that’s the path to a happy life again.

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Princy Lalawat

The written word is my playground, my laboratory, and my canvas - and I'm constantly discovering new ways to play, experiment, and create.